Les nettoyeurs haute pression, c’est la garantie de pouvoir redonner un coup de jeune à une terrasse, une cour, un pan de mur ou sa voiture…

Guide et comparatif

Avant de commencer, voici mon guide pour vous aider à choisir le nettoyeur haute pression qu’il vous faut : guide sur les nettoyeurs haute pression. Vous y retrouverez notamment l’ensemble des critères à prendre en compte pour bien choisir, ainsi qu’un comparatif des différents modèles existants sur le marché et que vous pourrez trouver en magasin de bricolage ou sur Internet…

Un large gamme de nettoyeurs

Les premiers modèle font en général au moins 110 bars, ce qui permet de nettoyer les surfaces peu encrassées, alors que les plus gros font au moins 160 bars, pour nettoyer plus en profondeur…

Des usages très variés

Avec les nettoyeurs, on peut presque tout nettoyer, du nettoyage simple, comme celui de son vélo ou de sa voiture, au nettoyage de résidus plus difficiles à retirer, comme la crasse, les moisissures…

Des accessoires adaptés

On trouve aussi de plus en plus d’accessoires, qui permettent notamment de gagner du temps, comme les brosses rotatives, ou les furets qui permettent de nettoyer les tuyaux d’évacuation…

Les marques phares

Lorsque l’on parle de nettoyeurs hautes pression, on pense naturellement à Karcher, mais ce n’est pas le seul fabriquant, il y a aussi Bosch qui possède une gamme assez importante, mais aussi Nilfisk qui nous vient du monde professionnel et que l’on voit de plus en plus dans les grandes surfaces comme Leroy Merlin ou Castorama…

Nettoyeur haute pression : Comparatif & Guide complet 2021

Pour vous aider à choisir le meilleur nettoyeur haute pression, voici un guide complet, ainsi qu’un comparatif des meilleurs modèles du marché…

Comparatif outillage : le top des nettoyeurs haute pression

Domaines d’applications : nettoyage de petites et grandes surfaces

Sommaire [Masquer]

1 Le guide complet pour tout savoir sur le nettoyeur haute pression

1.1 Les plus grandes marques

1.2 Une gamme complète

2 Comparatif / meilleur nettoyeur haute pression 110 bars

2.1 Tableau comparatif

2.2 ▷ Mon choix n°1 : Karcher K2 Basic

2.3 ▷ Mon choix n°2 : Karcher K2 Full Control

2.4 ▷ Mon choix n°3 : Black+Decker BXPW1400E

2.5 ▷ Mon choix n°4 : Nilfisk C 110

2.6 ▷ Mon choix n°5 : Karcher K3 Full Control

2.7 ▷ Mon choix n°6 : Bosch EasyAquatak 120

3 Comparatif / meilleur nettoyeur haute pression 130 bars

3.1 Tableau comparatif

3.2 ▷ Mon choix n°1 : Karcher K4 Premium Full Control

3.3 ▷ Mon choix n°2 : Nilfisk C-PG 135 bars

3.4 ▷ Mon choix n°3 : Michelin MPX19EH

3.5 ▷ Mon choix n°4 : Bosch AdvancedAquatak 140

4 Comparatif / meilleur nettoyeur haute pression 140 bars et plus

4.1 Tableau comparatif

4.2 ▷ Mon choix n°1 : Karcher K5 Premium Full Control

4.3 ▷ Mon choix n°2 : Nilfisk excellent 145 bars

4.4 ▷ Mon choix n°3 : Michelin MPX22EHDS

4.5 ▷ Mon choix n°4 : Karcher K7 Premium Full Control

4.6 ▷ Mon choix n°5 : Bosch Advanced Aquatak 160

5 Les modèles hors catégorie

5.1 ▷ Le nettoyeur basse pression Karcher OC3

5.2 ▷ Le nettoyeur 36V autonome Ryobi RPW36120HI

6 La gamme des nettoyeurs Karcher

7 Quel nettoyeur haute pression choisir ?

7.1 Les principaux critères de choix

7.2 La pression

7.3 Le débit

7.4 La puissance

7.5 Les accessoires

7.6 Pour quel usage ?

7.6.1 Pour un usage occasionnel

7.6.2 Pour une utilisation plus fréquente

8 Pourquoi un filtre à eau pour nettoyeur haute pression ?

8.1 Le système de pompe

8.2 Un simple filtre à eau

8.3 Certains modèles déjà équipés

8.4 Autres comparatifs

Le guide complet pour tout savoir sur le nettoyeur haute pression

Un nettoyeur haute pression, souvent appelé karcher (comme le nom de l’inventeur et de la première marque), permet de presque tout nettoyer, les murs, la pierre, les sols extérieurs, la voiture, les vélos, bref tout ce qui est en extérieur…

Les plus grandes marques

La plus grande marque de nettoyeurs c’est bien entendu la marque « Kächer » ou « Kaercher » qui possède sans aucun doute la gamme la plus importante. Mais les concurrents ne sont pas en reste et développent eux aussi une gamme complètes d’appareils dans toutes les catégories de puissances, je pense notamment à Nilfisk, qui nous vient du monde professionnel et Bosch.

Une gamme complète

Sur le marché, on trouve aujourd’hui un large choix de nettoyeurs haute pression, en fonction de la surface et de la saleté à nettoyer. En effet, plus la surface est importante et plus on devra s’orienter vers un nettoyeur puissant et surtout bien équipé en terme d’accessoires…

Pour comparer ce qui est comparable, je vous propose de répartir les différents modèles de nettoyeurs en trois grandes familles :

Les petits gabarits : avec une pression max. de 110 à 120 bars

Les modèles moyens : avec une pression de 130 à 140 bars

Les gros nettoyeurs : pour une pression supérieure à 145 bars

Comparatif / meilleur nettoyeur haute pression 110 bars

Pour commencer ce comparatif des nettoyeurs haute pression, je vous propose de voir les petits modèles, ceux plutôt adaptés à de petites surfaces, inférieures à 25 m², ou pour les vélos…

▷ Mon choix n°1 : Karcher K2 Basic



C’est le premier modèle de la gamme Karcher, le modèle « Basic », dont l’équipement est réduit au minimum, avec malgré tout une poignée de transport, des rangements pour le pistolet et la lance rotative.

Le pack du Karcher K2 Basic contient les accessoires suivants :

Flexible haute pression de 3 m

Pistolet haute pression

Lance avec buse rotative


Puissance : 1400 W

Pression : 110 bars

Débit : 360 l/h

Capacité de nettoyage : 20 m²/h

Longueur du flexible : 3 m

Poids : 4 kg


C’est un très bon modèle pour les personnes qui n’ont pas beaucoup de surface à nettoyer, c’est un appareil idéal pour les terrasses et bacons pas trop sales… De plus, son faible encombrement lui permet de trouver sa place facilement dans un coin…


Le prix

La compacité

Rapport qualité / prix

Le catalogue des accessoires


Rien à dire

▷ Mon choix n°2 : Karcher K2 Full Control


Avec le K2 Full Control, Karcher apporte quelques amélioration « Basic », même si les deux appareils sont plutôt positionnés en entrée de gamme. Donc par rapport au K2, Karcher a ajouté un pistolet avec l’option « Full Control » qui permet de voir rapidement sur quelle puissance de jet on est.

Pour ce qui est du rangement et du transport, cette version est aussi équipée d’une poignée supplémentaire, rétractable et de roues pour faciliter le déplacement, sans pour au temps encombrer plus.

Le pack du Karcher K2 Basic contient les accessoires suivants :

Flexible haute pression de 4 m

Pistolet haute pression G 120 Q

Lance avec buse rotative

Lance Vario Power


Puissance : 1400 W

Pression : 110 bars

Débit : 360 l/h

Capacité de nettoyage : 20 m²/h

Longueur du flexible : 4 m

Poids : 4,3 kg


Il s’agit d’une évolution du modèle Basic, avec quelques accessoires intéressants, comme les roues et la poignée pour la transport. Pour ce qui est de la puissance, là rien de changé. Le K2 Full Control est comme le K2 Basic un bon appareil pour de petites surfaces, même s’il est 20€ plus cher, pour deux roues, une buse en plus et un mètre de flexible…

  • La facilité de transport
  • Le faible encombrement
  • Le catalogue des accessoires

▷ Mon choix n°3 : Black+Decker BXPW1400E 


Pas forcément très présent sur le marché des outils d’extérieur, Black&Decker propose avec ce nettoyeur haute pression un modèle relativement compact, avec un équipement complet pour nettoyer de petites surfaces.

Pour ce qui est de la prise en main la marque propose une poignée longue, complètement intégrée au design de l’appareil, pour le déplacer facilement…

Le Black+Decker BXPW1400E est fourni avec les accessoires suivants :

Flexible haute pression de 5 m

Pistolet haute pression + lance

Buse rotative + buse plate


Puissance : 1400 W

Pression : 110 bars

Débit : 390 l/h

Capacité de nettoyage : 20 m²/h

Longueur du flexible : 5 m

Poids : 6,48 kg


Ce nettoyeur Black+Decker BXPW1400E est le moins cher de la catégorie, en ne prenant en compte que les grandes marques, d’ailleurs c’est devenu un habitude chez B+D de proposer un appareil très accessible.

En ce qui concerne la qualité, je ne sais pas vous dire, ce n’est pas une marque reconnu dans le domaine des nettoyeurs, mais je compte bien le tester prochainement pour voir ce qu’il a dans le ventre…


Le prix

La longueur du flexible


Le poids

La qualité Black+Decker


Le pack du Karcher K2 Basic contient les accessoires suivants :

                                 Revolutionary Break-through!

Why does it have Scientists, Doctors and Celebrities Buzzing?

The most talked about weight loss product is finally here! Ketosis Advanced is a powerful fat burning weight loss program with a scientifically formulated BHB supplement to help support your instant fat burning program. Beta-hydroxybutyrate is the first substrate that kicks the metabolic state of Ketosis Advanced into action. If you take it, BHB is able to start processing in your body resulting in support for success. This Advanced Ketosis BHB Supplement is a revolutionary breakthrough that has the Media in a frenzy!

Ketosis Advanced with BHB is here to stay because of the unsurmountable success people are having losing up to 1lb of fat per day!

Join the Thousands who are already losing up to 1lb per day!

TestimonialsJoin the thousands already losing weight with Ketosis Advanced! Burn fat for energy instead of carbs and feel the elevated energy that Ketosis Advanced gives you!

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Ketosis Advanced Forces your body to Burn Fat for Energy instead of Carbs.
ketosis diet body burns carbs instead of fat


Currently with the massive load of cabohydrates in our foods, our bodies are conditioned to burn carbs for energy instead of fat. Because it is an easier energy source for the body to use up.

The Problem
1. Fat stores on the body as carbs are burned as an easy energy fuel. Essentialy we gain more weight year after year.
2. Carbs are not the body’s ideal source of energy therefore we are usually left feeling tired, stressed and drained at the end of each day.

WHY Ketosis Advanced WORKS!
Ketosis is the state where your body is actually burning fat for energy instead of carbs. Ketosis is extremely hard to obtain on your own and takes weeks to accomplish. Ketosis Advanced actually helps your body achieve ketosis fast and helps you burn fat for energy instead of carbs!

The Solution:
1. When your body is in ketosis, you are actually burning stored fat for energy and not carbs!
2. Fat IS the body’s ideal source of energy and when you are in ketosis you experience energy and mental clarity like never before and of course very rapid weight loss.


                                                         WHAT DO YOU GET?

The 30 day Ketosis Advanced supplement and diet guide that is Sweeping the Nation!

Ketosis Advanced is a supplement and keto diet program that allows the body to begin converting into a state of ketosis. Featuring a special blend of ingredients, Ketosis Advanced is a safe and simple way to support a ketosis diet. The Ketosis Advanced supplement contains Beta-hydroxybutyrate. BHB and supports the metabolic state and supports ketosis into action. Revisiting the scenario from before, if you either take supplemental forms or if your body is making beta-hydroxybutyrate, it is able to start processing in your body.
Beta-hydroxybutyrate floats around in your blood, and importantly, can cross different important barriers to be able to be turned into energy at all times. One of the most important areas where this happens is in the brain. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is usually a very tightly regulated interface, but since BHB is such a rock star and so hydrophilic, your brain knows to let it in so it can support energy. This is one of the main reasons why increased BHB levels can lead to 
heightened mental acuity.*

Get slim, healthy, and confident again with our unique Ketosis Advanced Program. Ideal for both men and women, Ketosis Advanced is a dynamic and powerful ketosis dietary program that will assist weight loss, promote abdominal fat burn, and support better digestion and sleep.*
The Ketosis Advanced Program supports:
- Weight Loss*
- Burning Fat in Trouble Areas*
- Geting into Ketosis Fast!*
- Burning Fat for Energy (without the jitters)!*
- Better Brain Health!*
- Maintaining Lean Muscle!*
 30, 90 and 180 Day Plans Available

Ketosis Advanced Forces your body to Burn Fat for Energy instead of Carbs.

HGH Energizers Health supplement provides nutrients that may be lacking due to the strain that is often put on the body's health. If you are not always eating a balanced diet, HGH Energizer Health Supplement provides the nutrients that you may be missing. Each serving provides important nutrients to support your overall health and vitality.


When you order your first shipment of HGH Energizer, you'll be automatically signed up to get Free lifetime membership access to our results-based online fitness program. This information is exclusively for HGH Energizer members, and is not available to the general public. Combined with a sensible food program, exercise routine, and drinking plenty of water, the ingredients in HGH Energizer will help Your browser may not support display of this image. you to regain your slim body easier and faster.
As soon as you receive your first order, be sure to check out our Health Resource Center online. The suggestions given there will help ensure your success. You'll find customized exercise programs, diet plans, fitness tracking systems, and much more.
Your HGH Energizer Program gives you a fast and effective weight management system.
Recent studies suggest that HGH plays an important role in multiple body functions. By the time you reach 60, your natural production of HGH is most likely to be half of what it was when you were 20. This means that you will may experience less energy, more body fat, and have a weaker immune system



HGH Energizers

Chia Seeds
Chia has come a long way since it first sprouted out of funny pottery in TV commercials. Today, these seeds are best known as a super food, and with good reason. Just 1 ounce (that’s 2 tablespoons) has nearly 10 grams of fiber. Ground in a blender, chia seeds make the perfect crunchy topping for yogurt or vegetables. When you soak them in a liquid, such as juice or almond milk, they get soft and spoonable: a smart swap for pudding.


Wild Rice
Surprise! Wild rice isn’t rice at all -- it’s actually a grass seed. It’s higher in protein than other whole grains and has lots more antioxidants than white rice. It also provides folate, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B6, and niacin. It cooks up tender and fluffy in a rice pilaf, and the warm grains are a hearty addition to green salads.
Pumpkin Seeds
If you’ve ever roasted a batch of these after carving your annual jack-o’-lantern, you know they make a great snack. And a healthy one, too. Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, an important mineral that boosts your heart health, helps your body make energy, and powers your muscles. Eat them year-round as a soup or salad topper, with cereal, or in homemade trail mix
Pomegranate Seeds
Also called arils, these are the sweet, jewel-like beads you strip from the inside of the fruit. They’re high in vitamin C and antioxidants. A full cup of pomegranate seeds has only 130 calories, making it good for a light snack. Tossed in a salad or whole-grain dish, they add a juicy pop of flavor and color to your dinner plate.
If you’re looking for healthy sources of protein, quinoa has you covered. The grain-like seed packs 8 grams per cup. It cooks up like rice and can fill in for pasta and other grains in many of your favorite dishes. You can also use it as a gluten-free breading for dishes like chicken fingers. Make a batch instead of oatmeal for a breakfast porridge that will start your day with more protein, fiber, and iron.

Seeds You Should Be Eating

Not many people who like to drink milk made from raw soybeans. The reason can vary, among other unpleasant odor and taste that is not tasty, let alone soy milk has no calcium as cow's milk.

But wait! Soy milk also has many advantages compared to cow's milk. One of them, soy has estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens.

Drinking soy milk once a day together with the natural estrogen hormone therapy. Drink soy milk regularly can prevent bone loss or osteoporosis symptoms. Even so with sore complaints in women approaching menopause and post-menopausal.

In fact, soy milk can also prevent arthritis. Understandably, soy milk contain vitamin Bl, B2, and niacin in an amount equivalent to cow's milk. Soy also contains vitamin E and K, which is useful as a source of anti-aging or aging inhibitors.

Although small shape, soybean can be processed into various food products, one of which is soy milk. Composition of soy milk is similar to cow's milk, soy milk and therefore can be used as a substitute for cow's milk, especially for those who are allergic to cow's milk lactose.

Another advantage of soy milk rather than cow's milk is contain no cholesterol at all.Cholesterol content of cow's milk is still relatively very low when compared to other animal food. Because it does not have to worry about drinking cow's milk.

Quality protein, soy milk is similar to cow's milk protein quality. Protein eficiency ratio (PER) of soy milk is 2.3 whereas cow milk is 2.5 PER. PER 2.3 means that every gram of protein eaten would result in weight gain of 2.3 grams. Thus, the higher the PER value reflects the better quality protein.

In general, soy milk contains vitamins B1, B2 and niacin in an amount equivalent to cow's milk or breast milk, and contains vitamins E and K in considerable amounts.

However, soy milk does not contain vitamin B12 and minerals, especially calcium, less than cow milk. Therefore, soy milk is usually produced at the factory are always supplemented with minerals and vitamins.

Natural Hormone Therapy? Use Soy Milk

Soy milk is not less nutritional value than cow's milk, even cheaper. Another advantage is not fattening and can be consumed by those who can not drink cow's milk. Soy milk is also an excellent source of phytoestrogens for women.

Soy milk or nut milk is also known as the beverage is not foreign to us. It is unfortunate if the soy milk until now only used as a release thirst.

In fact, the nutritional value of soy milk is not less than cow milk. As prices soar cow's milk, many people who prefer to stop the consumption of milk rather than replace them with alternatives such as soy milk.
Drinking milk must be a habit. At least a day we should consume a glass of milk.

Soy milk can be a solution for those who can not consume cow's milk with a variety of reasons, such as allergies, lactose intolerance, or because of economic factors. Soy milk can also be a substitute for cow's milk variety menu to avoid saturation. One thing is for sure, the nutritional value of soy milk is not less than cow milk.

Not Ordinary Drink
Soy milk is highly nutritious beverage which was originally developed in China. This drink is known in the 2nd century AD From China, soy milk and then evolved into Japan. After World War II, soybean milk became popular in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

In Hong Kong, soy milk is better known by the name vitasoy. In Singapore and Malaysia, soy milk is familiar with vitabean. In both countries, soy milk has been cultivated commercially since 1952. In the Philippines, popularly known as philsoy. In Indonesia, soy milk was originally sold on the roadside flora. In recent years, soy milk in cardboard boxes or bottles, many in the market.

Viewed from the nutritional value, soy milk is not less than cow milk. Therefore, soy milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk. Two glasses of soy milk consumption has been able to meet 30 percent of the daily protein requirement. In 100 grams of liquid soybean milk contained 3.5 gram of protein, whereas in cow's milk is only 3.2 grams per 100 gram.

Quality protein, soy milk no less than cow milk. Quality protein, soy milk in the form of a single food is 80 percent of cow's milk protein quality. This can be seen from the PER (protein eficiency ratio) of soy milk that is not much different from cow's milk.

PER value of 2.3 soy milk, whereas cow's milk 2.5. PER value of 2.3 means that from every gram of protein consumed will result in weight gain of 2.3 grams in standard experimental conditions (usually done with the animal experiments). That the higher the PER value indicates the better quality protein.

Essential amino acids in soy milk contained in the composition is almost complete and harmonious. Compared with cow's milk, the composition of amino acids in protein, soy milk with less in terms of methionine and cysteine. The main advantage of soy milk has the amino acid lysine is high enough. Thus, soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of protein from rice and other cereal foods.

Not to Make Fat
Soy milk good for those who want to diet, but still supplying the needs of protein in sufficient quantities. One of the advantages of soy milk compared to cow's milk is low fat content.

Fat in soy milk can not cause obesity because most are in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, the fat in cow's milk is a potential animal fats cause the body to be elastic because they contain saturated fatty acids is quite high. Another advantage, soy milk contains no cholesterol.

Although soy milk contains carbohydrates are good enough, only 12-14 percent that can be used in a biological body. Carbohydrate group consisting of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides class. Class consisting of oligosaccharides and raffinosa stakiosa soluble in water, whereas erabinogalaktan group consisting of polysaccharides and cellulosic materials are not soluble in water, and can not be digested.

In general, soy milk has a good content of vitamins, especially A and B complex, except for vitamin B12. Other vitamins contained in considerable amounts is vitamin E and K. Not wrong when during the many people who argue that drinking soy milk to make the body younger. Vitamin E and A is an antioxidant that can prevent premature aging

Soy milk, Suitable for Healthy Diet

What and how much food you eat greatly affects your diet program. In addition, the location you're eating it could be the key to telling your diet. Eating in the wrong place can make you eat more food than usual. Here are some places which is the location of the "friendly" to execute your diet program.

1. Public Space
When eating alone, you tend to be more willing to eat food three times more than the normal amount. If weight loss is your goal, try to eat in public or with at least one friend. If forced to go alone, try to eat in a crowded place such as in Internet cafes, in parks, or in a crowded coffee shop. Eating in public will make you aware and responsible with a variety of food that goes into your mouth. This will cause you not to overeat, or eat something you do not normally eat.

2. Eat at the kitchen table
Clean kitchen that also functions as a dining room makes you often stop by to to simply stand in front of the refrigerator and ate a spoonful of ice cream, small cakes, or maybe eat something straight out of the container. As a result you are consuming more calories due to the measuring portion.
When eating, try to prepare snacks or food to taste, and enjoy every bite of food slowly. Seeing a number of food on a plate in front of you will make the brain think that you are eating too much food, so when it is to eat it you do not want to open the fridge open to find a snack.

3. In the break room at work
If you're busy and felt he had no time off for meals, should avoid eating in front of your desk. When chewing food in front of a computer, we can be sure you'll be too busy with the computer so it does not pay attention to how much you eat. Better get out first from your desk to go out to eat in the pantry, canteen, or a break room, for 10 minutes. This not only will rest my eyes and brain, but also serves to lose weight because all around you there are many others who observe how you eat. You can concentrate on eating.

Eating Places Affect Your Diet Program

The secret to have slim body was simple, using pen and papers to write positive things for 15 minutes every day. The study shows how this can help you lose weight significantly.

The research was conducted at Stanford University in America and Renison University College in Canada involving 45 students, with 60 percent of their excess weight and obesity prone.

The researchers found that women who every day write down what is most meaningful to him, was able to lose weight significantly, than those who did not write. Positive thinking is a strength because when women are stressed, he did not vent his emotions on food to feel better.

The respondents were divided into two groups. One group was asked to write positive things related to anything, music, relationships with friends or family, for 15 minutes every day. While the two groups were asked to write the things that meant nothing to her. Four months later, all these women weigh weight. The result, the first group lost weight 1.5 kg.

Diet and stress.
Women tend to have more problems with weight loss related to stress and diet. This is evident from these studies, in which there is a difference between women who write something positive and different things that he did not like. According to the researchers, a person who eats when he feels depressed is a form of escape to feel better again.

"What we feel about ourselves has a huge impact," said Professor Christine Logel, one of the researchers.

Logel believe, write about things that are valued and appreciated every day to make someone see themselves more positively. He would not vent his emotions on food for the sake of getting a better mood afterwards. He also has no interest for snacking, one habit that is also something to do with stress.

According Logel, each individual can remind himself to always think positive. So, even if you feel depressed for many reasons, for example, did not pass the test or a fight with a friend, spouse or family, your mind can be twisted with a focus on positive thoughts. As your feelings of love towards your children and various other happy feeling that can combat feelings of distress earlier.

Even so, the researchers have not been willing to recommend the results of this study as the diet of women. Further research will be needed to prove the efficacy of the method to write good things every day and its influence on diet. Although there was no risk if ever you want to try it.

Want to Have Slim Body? Write down for 15 minutes Everyday..

Sleep quality can be obtained from the look of the room a comfortable and soothing. Color plays an important room is to create an impression of the owner of the room.

Indriati Yosephin interior designers say, a comfortable color for the bedroom is usually green. It's no secret, that the color associated with the color of this plant is able to give the impression of calm and natural.

The green color is also believed to give relief, releasing saturation, as well as helping people become more relaxed. That way, a quiet room will support the quality of rest rooms for the owner.

Besides green, neutral color can also help comfort in the bedroom. Cream, for example, will give the impression of natural and memorable classic. While white, beige, and salmon will give the impression of relief and calm in the room. However, that is not too pale, you can combine them with accessories such as bed linen, curtains, furniture as well.

Yosephin said, if you want to look different through colorful game, you can do it by adding white. That way, the result will be smoother and softer, making it suitable for the bedroom.

To eliminate the boredom, you simply play the accent. The colors mentioned above, he said, is suitable for women because the impression feminine room. Meanwhile, a suitable color for a room of men, can be added with the color black. The addition will create an impression of masculine black.

Want To Sleep More Comfortable? Try this Colour for Your Bedroom...

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal or chronic (long periods).
According to the results of a recent study, people with hypertension included in the group with elevated risk of getting cancer.

These findings, according to research leader Dr Mieke Van Hemelrijck will be presented in the 2011 European Congress Multidiciplinary. This research involved 289,454 men and 288,345 women and the analysis results show that people with hypertension - particularly men - 10-20 percent higher risk of getting cancer.

Dr. Van Hemelrijck and his team from the Cancer Epidemiology Group at King's College London, England analyze related data regarding blood pressure, cancer incidence, and mortality risk in a prospective study that included seven groups of participants in Norway, Austria and Sweden.
Having observed for approximately 12 years, it is known that as many as 22,184 men and 14,744 women have been diagnosed with cancer. Even the 8724 men and 4525 women die from the disease. Overall, the risk of cancer increased by 29 percent in men.

The researchers also found, some of the complications of other diseases such as hypertension, oral cancer, colorectal, lung, bladder, kidney, melanoma and skin cancer increased in men.

Increased cancer risk is also seen in women with hypertension, although not very significant. Increasing cases in women with hypertension seen in cases of liver cancer, pancreas, cervix, endometrium and melanoma.
The researchers adjusted their results by taking into account age, gender, body mass index, smoking and errors due to inaccuracy in the measurement of blood pressure.

Van Hemelrijck said, as observational studies, this study could not demonstrate that hypertension is a major cause of the increased risk of cancer.

"We can not claim that there is a causal relationship between high blood pressure and cancer risk, nor can we say that the causes of cancer are factors associated with high blood pressure," he said.

Hypertension Increase Cancer Risk

There are two risk factors related to the emergence of high blood pressure (hypertension) which can not be controlled, age and family history of disease (genetics). However, you can still intervene against other risk factors by making smarter choices, such as physically active, reducing sodium intake, and eating a healthy and balanced menu.

In addition, you also can lower the risk of hypertension in a different way that is a natural drink. Here is a 6 (six) drinks that may contribute to decreased blood pressure, especially in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

1. Low-fat milk
How it works: Calcium deficiency has long been associated with high blood pressure. High calcium intake can help lower high blood pressure. But keep in mind, it is very important to choose the right type of milk for best results. Low-fat milk is very rich in calcium than full fat milk. Modest amount of fat can help you absorb calcium more easily.

Suggestion: As part of the ritual healthful, three servings of low fat milk shown to reduce systolic blood pressure.

2. Rosella flower tea
How it works: Like the pomegranate juice, rosella flower (hibiscus) contain bioactive phytochemicals that act as a natural ACE inhibitor. One study showed that roselle tea is very effective in lowering blood pressure as captopril - a drug commonly used to treat hypertension and heart failure.

Suggestion: In one widely publicized study, three servings of hibiscus tea can lower systolic blood pressure significantly prehypertension subjects. Drink three cups a day for maximum results mendaptkan.

3. Pomegranate juice
How it works: ACE is an enzyme that increases blood pressure by creating a protein called angiotensin II, which causes blood vessels to contract. Pomegranate juice acts as a natural ACE inhibitors, similar to the type of drug commonly prescribed to treat hypertension and heart failure.
In one case mentioned, pomegranate juice can reduce the ACE by 36 percent and lowered systolic blood pressure as well. Even some recent studies indicate significantly, the benefits of pomegranate to reduce arterial plaque (up to 30 percent) and increases blood flow to the heart.

Suggestion: Jonny Bowden, one nutritionist recommended to drink six ounces (177 milliliters) of pomegranate juice every day without a sweetener.

4. Cranberry juice
How it works: Cranberries and cranberry juice has anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidant that helps prevent and reduce damage in blood vessels, thus preventing an increase in blood pressure are undesirable. In addition, cranberry juice can help reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and improve blood flow.

Suggestion: There is no standard recommendation to consume cranberry juice as part of the daily regimen.

5. Water
How it works: Drinking water is a simple, inexpensive, healthy and most effective way to help lower blood pressure. Chronic dehydration causes the blood vessels contract so that makes the heart work harder, and ultimately lead to spikes in blood pressure.

Tip: Most people probably have often heard the advice that said to drink eight glasses per day. But for a more personalized approach, can be adjusted to your weight. How: weight divided by two (but in the form of an ounce). For example, people with a weight of 150-pounds, or about 68 kg of water intake must meet needs at least 75 ounces or about 2 liters per day.

6. Bit juice
How it works: The fruit bits are a good source of potassium and folate, two substances that are important to regulate blood pressure. Selian it, fruit bits also mengadung nitrate, which is converted to nitrite when absorbed by the body. Nitrite efficacious create muscle tissue to relax and reduce blood flow. Fruit bits can naturally help the health of blood vessel function and against homocysteine, which can damage blood vessels.

Suggestion: Some research indicates consumption of one or two cups of beet juice every day can lower blood pressure significantly in the short amount of time that is approximately one hour after ingestion. British study also states that beet juice is as effective as tablets nitrate in controlling hypertension.

Six Natural Beverages Lowering Hypertension